Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breastfeeding positions are Good for Babies

Set the right position when nursing! There are many different breastfeeding positions you can choose according to convenience and situation. Make sure you are doing it right.

1. Cradle hold.
Babies carried in a sideways position. Head, neck, shoulder grooves baby in your arms. Prop the baby's back with his hands. Part of the face, stomach and knees against the chest and abdomen mother. Tuck the other hand under the baby's mother's arm.

2. Cross Cradle.
Position the cradle hold is similar, differing only your hands. Baby's head was not in the curve of the arm, but is supported by the mother palms. The position of the head, shoulders and stomach facing the baby's mother. When fed with the left breast, the baby is held with the right hand.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beware of At Risk of Disease Dad

Several types of diseases tend experienced by men. The emergence of these diseases is influenced by family history, genetic, environmental, and your lifestyle, fathers. Before the typical diseases of this guy attacks you, do efforts to prevent it now. Know more closely, minimize the risk of experiencing

1. Heart attack.

Research Professor. Dr. Stephen Quake, a geneticist from Stanford University, California, USA, in April 2010 issue of the journal Lancet, found 3 gene carriers of disease of heart attacks and cancer in men, the gene TMEM43, DSP, and MYBPC3. Research has also managed to find a "gene map" that can help predict the risk of a man suffering from heart disease and cancer. Thus, prevention efforts can be done better.

Prevent by:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Breastfeeding Tips When Disaster

Stress affects levels of the hormone oxytocin which regulates the production of breast milk. In the condition of mother happy and relaxed, these hormone levels will be high so a lot of milk production. Conversely if the mother's stress, oxytocin so come down and milk production was reduced, even to stop altogether! And when disasters occur, mothers should continue breastfeeding her baby! 

Breast milk protects the baby is still vulnerable to disease in camps for displaced persons and improve the emotional health of babies and a sense of comfort in times full of tension. Breastfeeding also helps reduce pain and accelerate the wound healing process that affects infants, as well as many infectious diseases that generally occur at the site after the disaster.

Restoring Post-Disaster Toddler Fun

Trauma is the lasting impact of the disaster that many children aged under five. To minimize this effect, accompanied by children in time of disaster to calm and give him a sense of security.
Ways of adapting the evacuation:

* Facilitate and accompany toddlers. If you want to leave, for example cooking, say clearly where you are and where he can find you. Keep the child does not feel left behind when he woke from his sleep, because it will scream of fear recalled during a disaster, let alone was in a strange place. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Important For Nursing Mothers, Stop Smoking!

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Important For Nursing Mothers, Stop Smoking!: "Stay smoking while breastfeeding can lower levels of the hormone prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk up ..."

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Smoke Threatens Babies and Breastfeeding

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Smoke Threatens Babies and Breastfeeding: "Although no smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke from other people to nursing mothers or their babies can still be harmful to health. ..."

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Stop Smoking For Baby Smart

Mom's, Dad's and Kid's: Stop Smoking For Baby Smart: "You continue to puff cigarettes while pregnant? Bad omen for the fetus that is now your bladder. The development of neural networks and inte..."

Stop Smoking For Baby Smart

You continue to puff cigarettes while pregnant? Bad omen for the fetus that is now your bladder. The development of neural networks and intellectual maturation of children could be disrupted. 

Research that was held by the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Asssessment scal, the U.S. proved that if the mother smoked cigarettes during pregnancy, it will affect medium and long term future for the children. Children with maternal smokers, showed a different behavior when evaluated by agency researchers. Infants less responsive when stimulated with sound. 

The study further stated the same opinion. Children aged around seven and eleven years of smoking mothers tend to experience a growth slowdown. Intellectual development is also seen slow when asked to read and learn mathematics.

Smoke Threatens Babies and Breastfeeding

Although no smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke from other people to nursing mothers or their babies can still be harmful to health. 

As a result of exposure to cigarette smoke on the health of a person other people are still often overlooked. During this time, people only prohibits a woman smoker because it can harm the fetus or infant who is born. In fact, not only the mother who is breastfeeding should they stop smoking. 

 Father and those around the mother and baby, also must stop smoking it. What the article? 

If someone smokes, it means he just sucked on his cigarette smoke around 15 percent, while the other 85 percent is released to suck the passive smokers. Not fair, right? 

WHO, world health agencies, and even estimates nearly 700 million children, or about half of all children in this world, including babies still suckling at his mother, forced to suck the polluted air of cigarette smoke. Ironically, it just happens more in their own homes. 

Important For Nursing Mothers, Stop Smoking!

Stay smoking while breastfeeding can lower levels of the hormone prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk up to 50% so that the milk production of smokers decreased significantly.

In addition, the nicotine from cigarettes can get into the body of the baby through breast milk and infant through the air are inhaled. The amount of nicotine depending on the number of cigarettes smoked, smoking period, and when the mother smokes, for example, when nursing a baby or not. In effect, the baby could be vomiting, diarrhea, colic and heart rate increases, in addition to disruption of sleep patterns.