Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Smoke Threatens Babies and Breastfeeding

Although no smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke from other people to nursing mothers or their babies can still be harmful to health. 

As a result of exposure to cigarette smoke on the health of a person other people are still often overlooked. During this time, people only prohibits a woman smoker because it can harm the fetus or infant who is born. In fact, not only the mother who is breastfeeding should they stop smoking. 

 Father and those around the mother and baby, also must stop smoking it. What the article? 

If someone smokes, it means he just sucked on his cigarette smoke around 15 percent, while the other 85 percent is released to suck the passive smokers. Not fair, right? 

WHO, world health agencies, and even estimates nearly 700 million children, or about half of all children in this world, including babies still suckling at his mother, forced to suck the polluted air of cigarette smoke. Ironically, it just happens more in their own homes. 

Nicotine into the baby. Nicotine in cigarettes is rapidly absorbed from the respiratory tract into the flow of maternal blood vessels and directly transferred into milk by diffusion. 

If there are people outside who smoke near the baby, then in addition to nicotine absorbed from breast milk of mothers exposed to smoke, is also absorbed directly through the respiratory (air), the little guy. Well, nicotine is also (along with thousands of other toxic tobacco smoke) into the baby's respiratory tract. Nicotine inhaled through the respiratory tract and enter the body through the mother's breast milk will accumulate in the body of the baby and harm the health of your baby. 

Not only that. Nicotine was also to change the taste breast milk, and endanger the health of babies. Usually, the baby will fuss and refused to breastfeed if the new mother's smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke. As a result of cigarette smoke disorders in infants include:

* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Colic
* The heart rate increases, and others. 

Research proves. Research in Santiago, Chile, showed that cigarette smoke is inhaled by breast-feeding mothers can inhibit milk production. Within three months, visible weight infants of mothers who smoke or inhale secondhand smoke, also did not show optimal growth. 

Cigarette smoke that passive smokers had smoked, it has the chemical content is higher than the smoke of cigarettes smoked by the smoker. This is because when the cigarette is smoked, the tobacco burns at a lower temperature. This condition makes the combustion becomes less complete and release of many chemicals. 

Cigarette smoke itself contains about 3,000 of toxic chemicals, 43 of which obviously is a carcinogen (causes cancer). No wonder the influence of cigarette smoke in passive smokers were three times worse than coal dust. 

Various studies prove that scattered cigarette smoke of others, impact can cause various diseases, not only in adults, but especially in infants and children. Starting from various respiratory disorders in infants, lung and ear infections, impaired growth, until the colic (digestive tract disorders in infants). 

Therefore, do not take the risk. Do not expose your baby and yourself from cigarette smoke, wherever you are!

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