Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beware of At Risk of Disease Dad

Several types of diseases tend experienced by men. The emergence of these diseases is influenced by family history, genetic, environmental, and your lifestyle, fathers. Before the typical diseases of this guy attacks you, do efforts to prevent it now. Know more closely, minimize the risk of experiencing

1. Heart attack.

Research Professor. Dr. Stephen Quake, a geneticist from Stanford University, California, USA, in April 2010 issue of the journal Lancet, found 3 gene carriers of disease of heart attacks and cancer in men, the gene TMEM43, DSP, and MYBPC3. Research has also managed to find a "gene map" that can help predict the risk of a man suffering from heart disease and cancer. Thus, prevention efforts can be done better.

Prevent by:
    * Not smoking, not using other tobacco products processed, and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke (passive smoking).
    * Apply a healthy diet, consumption of many vegetables, fruits, grain products, fibrous foods, and fish. Reduce consumption of fatty foods and high salinity.
    * When you have no symptoms or a tendency to have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, obey the doctor's advice.
* Perform regular exercise.
    * Keep your weight in order not excessive.     * When the talented diabetes, keep blood sugar levels within normal range.
    * Manage stress, for example by doing a hobby or other fun activities.

2. Prostate cancer.
Cancer that lurk the fathers is a genetic disease. From the research of Prof.. Dr. Stephen Quake, a geneticist from Stanford University, California, USA, also found genes that carry the disease of prostate cancer, namely EZH2. With the discovery of this gene, the researchers managed to find a new hope to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, namely with hormone therapy called 5 alpha-reductase. The experts also are actively examining further the efficacy of compounds of lycopene in the tomatoes and isoflavones contained in soy, as a potent antioxidant to reduce the risk of cancer in men, including prostate cancer.
Prevent by:
    * A healthy life style such as tips to prevent heart attacks.     * Perform an annual routine examination for early detection of cancer risk, especially when there is a history in the family.
* Avoid exposure to carcinogenic substances (carcinogens), such as asbestos, radiation and air pollution.

3. Stroke.

Every 10 minutes, one man in the world had a stroke, and in one month, one of five men who had a stroke in the entire world at risk of death. Dr. Krystel Huxlin, a neurologist at the University of Rochester, USA, is now developing a rehabilitation program neuroplasticity that is expected to restore the function of brain cells of patients with stroke, although in a long time.

Prevent by:
- No smoking at all.

- Healthy life style such as tips to prevent heart attacks.

4. Type 2 diabetes.
 In the United States, an estimated 789 000 men with type 2 diabetes each year. While in Australia, as many as 2356 men from the 100,000 people at risk of type 2 diabetes. Research Dr. Kim Cheng, Drs. And Dr. Kenneth Ho. Jenny Gunton from Sydney's Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia, in May 2010, generate new opportunities in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Namely, using the therapy HIF-1 alpha proteins that suppress the activity of HIF-1 alpha gene, so the body can improve the production of the hormone insulin.
Prevent by:
    * If you fall into the category of obesity, lower body weight in a safe manner according to the doctor's advice.     * Follow all the advice of doctors, including reducing sugar intake, food sources of carbohydrates, and eat in adequate portions.
    * Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits are recommended doctor.
* Avoid consumption of fatty foods.
    * Do exercise and regular physical activity.     * If you have a talent or a symptom of diabetes, keep blood sugar levels are always within the normal range.

5. Alzheimer's disease.

In the United States, men with Alzheimer's disease is estimated to number more than 4 million people. Now that number is expected to increase 4-fold worldwide, because the disease tends to appear at an early age yanglebih. In the brains of Alzheimer's patients, there was accumulation of peptide compounds (fat) types of beta-amyloid (plaque) at the meeting points of the brain nerve cells, which interfere with nerve cell function. There is a new vaccine to prevent the occurrence of beta-amyloid plaque that is being developed. His name is vaccine AD02.

Prevent by:

    * Apply a healthy lifestyle and keep your heart health.
    * Take care of yourself to avoid the disease of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high cholesterol.
    * Avoid injury to the head, either bumped or dropped, as has been proven to increase risk.
* Keep your body weight is not excessive.
    * Regular exercise and physical activity.     * Do not smoke, and use other tobacco products processed.     * Maintain mental health, continue to learn new things, dantingkatkan social activities and establishes a good social relations with relations and friends.

6. Kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease can be suffered by men of various ages. Twentieth-century America States, an estimated one out of nine adult men at risk of kidney disease. Efforts to deal with this disease is still being conducted. One of them by Prof.. Dr. Jeffrey S. Berns, an expert in internal medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. In his research report published in April 2010, he hoped the provision of supplemental sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate may be a promising therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Prevent by:
- Apply the pattern of living and healthy eating.

- Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

- Reduce and limit consumption of salt.

- Do exercise or physical activity regularly.

- If you are overweight, lower weight safely to the advice of a doctor.

7. Parkinson.

This disease arises due to a decline in the function of nerve cells of the basal ganglia brain. As a result, production of chemical compounds Conductor "command" antarasel nerves (neurotransmitters) also decreased. As a result, this disease has decreased brain function and fungsiotot-body muscle. However, research results Tianhong Pan, MD, PhD, from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA, in 2008, estimates that the disease can dicegahdengan consume green tea. Therefore, the polyphenol content in tehhijau shown to reduce the toxic compounds that can interfere fungsisel nerve cells in the brain.

Prevent by:
    * Apply a healthy lifestyle, including sports and doing physical activity regularly.
    * Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants, like broccoli, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, and vegetables sertabuah other fruits.
    * Avoid exposure to paraquat that many compounds contained in pesticides and herbicides.

8. Car accident.
Sebanyak73% motorists in the United States are killed by traffic accidents are male. In Indonesia, though not a few women who drive a car, but the number of car accidents on drivers priamasih remains higher than women.

Prevent by:

    * Always wear seatbelt.
    * Do not speed, obey speed limits are allowed, and obey all traffic signs.
    * Stop driving when drowsy.
Sleep until drowsiness disappear.
    * Avoid typing SMS and receive phone when driving, especially on the highway.

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