Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stop Smoking For Baby Smart

You continue to puff cigarettes while pregnant? Bad omen for the fetus that is now your bladder. The development of neural networks and intellectual maturation of children could be disrupted. 

Research that was held by the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Asssessment scal, the U.S. proved that if the mother smoked cigarettes during pregnancy, it will affect medium and long term future for the children. Children with maternal smokers, showed a different behavior when evaluated by agency researchers. Infants less responsive when stimulated with sound. 

The study further stated the same opinion. Children aged around seven and eleven years of smoking mothers tend to experience a growth slowdown. Intellectual development is also seen slow when asked to read and learn mathematics.

It is not easy to quit smoking for addicts, especially pregnant women. For the lucky, it will stop completely when he began to conceive. For them, the reason for infant morbidity due to tobacco is more frightening than the specter of cancer, heart attack or lung problems for themselves. 

If the mother smoker hap, the study called it encouraging. Within 48 hours after quitting smoking, 8 percent of her blood brings more oxygen to the fetus.

After childbirth, if the habit of smoking relapse, levels of nicotine in cigarettes would reduce the level of milk production. Meanwhile, if not an addict but as a second-hand smoke because their husbands smoke, nicotine content in infant blood metabolism will be high. How, still recalcitrant smoker?

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