Stress affects levels of the hormone oxytocin which regulates the production of breast milk. In the condition of mother happy and relaxed, these hormone levels will be high so a lot of milk production. Conversely if the mother's stress, oxytocin so come down and milk production was reduced, even to stop altogether! And when disasters occur, mothers should continue breastfeeding her baby!
Breast milk protects the baby is still vulnerable to disease in camps for displaced persons and improve the emotional health of babies and a sense of comfort in times full of tension. Breastfeeding also helps reduce pain and accelerate the wound healing process that affects infants, as well as many infectious diseases that generally occur at the site after the disaster.
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, Dr. PH., Urged people not to give formula to babies in an emergency in the camps for displaced victims of natural disasters, because it can endanger the health of babies. Formula milk diluted with boiled water needs, while generally in the refugee camps is difficult to get clean water. Contamination of food / drink can trigger an infection. So, the mothers who have babies are encouraged to continue to provide exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months in a state of emergency once did, and if possible be continued until children were 2 years old with complementary feeding.
Emergency feeding tips
* Calm yourself and be assured you are still able to breastfeed even though stress. Find a comfortable place to sit down and breastfeeding.
* Expenditure milk influenced reflex (let down reflex), and not the stress hormone cortisol. To increase breastfeeding, give your baby the chance of breast sucking strong enough and long.
* The number of milk to meet the needs of your baby, even though you are eating. What is important, drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Continue to breastfeed your baby whenever he was hungry. With frequent emptying both breasts, your body is triggered to produce more milk so that babies will not lack.
* Do not worry if the milk stopped. By doing relactation program, patience, tenacity, determination, and the support of the environment, gradually milk may come out again. Especially, when your emotions are calm.
Step by Step relactation
* Sit comfortably, carrying a baby with the proper distance and position of the nipple. Make sure the baby in a comfortable position.
* Try to feed every 2 hours, or at least 10 times in 24 hours.
* Feed the baby every time you look hungry. Let him suck the nipple for approximately 30 minutes. The length of your baby sucking the breast can be increased gradually starting from 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and so on.
* Strive to you always with the baby at night, when the hormone prolactin (regulator of milk production) was higher in levels.
* As a first step, you can give infant formula to the volume as needed based on body weight babies, or the same amount as it is commonly consumed earlier.
* Once the milk starts out a bit, reduce the portion of 30-60 ml of formula milk a day.
* If the baby is still nursing before relactation occasionally, when milk production usually increases relactation back in a few days. But if the baby has stopped breastfeeding, it may take several weeks to be able to produce milk again. Be patient, yes, ma'am.
* Relactation easier and faster if the baby was aged less than 3 months, compared to when the baby is older than 6 months. However, relactation can be done at any age baby.
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