Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Important For Nursing Mothers, Stop Smoking!

Stay smoking while breastfeeding can lower levels of the hormone prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk up to 50% so that the milk production of smokers decreased significantly.

In addition, the nicotine from cigarettes can get into the body of the baby through breast milk and infant through the air are inhaled. The amount of nicotine depending on the number of cigarettes smoked, smoking period, and when the mother smokes, for example, when nursing a baby or not. In effect, the baby could be vomiting, diarrhea, colic and heart rate increases, in addition to disruption of sleep patterns.
Important action mother
     * Limiting even quit smoking. Various ways to quit smoking, for example using a nicotine patch, gum meal, or undergoing treatment at the clinic to stop smoking. Better yet if you stop smoking since before pregnancy.
     * If it is difficult to not smoke, Smoke after breastfeeding the baby. Choose a location far from the baby, or when the baby is not being with you. Babies exposed to more nicotine from the air instead of milk.

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