Thursday, April 14, 2011

Restoring Post-Disaster Toddler Fun

Trauma is the lasting impact of the disaster that many children aged under five. To minimize this effect, accompanied by children in time of disaster to calm and give him a sense of security.
Ways of adapting the evacuation:

* Facilitate and accompany toddlers. If you want to leave, for example cooking, say clearly where you are and where he can find you. Keep the child does not feel left behind when he woke from his sleep, because it will scream of fear recalled during a disaster, let alone was in a strange place. 

* Do not allow children to think negative. Keep him from disaster in the news media. Divert toddlers fear that gave rise to negative thoughts with invites to play a fun and made her laugh. This can be done by using favorite objects, such as dolls or pillows brought from home. Talk stories are funny and show there's always hope behind every problem. For example, the story of "Wooly Lost" by Arleen A., who tells about a worm that got lost and fled to various places and find new friends who then helped her find her way home back to his home. 

* Give an explanation of the reality of life. With simple language, you can explain that life is not always 'sweet' and teach it to accept the reality. Tell me if it's only temporary. For example, when I had to share the bed with his cousin when evacuated, or lining up and take turns using the bathroom. This teaches children tolerance. 

* Engage in social activities. During the evacuation, you can involve your child in the routine activities carried out family members, according to age and ability. For example, helping bring dirty clothes to be washed, brought food to her cousin, or help tidy up the goods after the play. 

* Teach your new routine. Gradually, when your child is no longer frightened, you can introduce routines that must be lived in the refugee child. For example, bathing schedule should be shifted more day because of the number of family members who use the bathroom more. But again, do not forget to explain that it is only valid while in the camp. After returning home, the old routines will be applied again. From here the children learn to be flexible to changes that can occur at any time.

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